In the short term, the NanoFilter could quickly be adapted into a diagnostic tool. These devices could quickly locate the molecules of interest such as LDLs and capture them for personal diagnosis with a device similar to a glucometer. With this application, the NanoFilter will not require a removal pathway and could be allowed to safely degrade in the bloodstream. Using the NanoFilter for diagnosis will also require further research and development of a device which could rapidly, safely and efficiently count the number of 'full' NanoFilters, representative of the LDL levels within the patients' blood.

Figure 1: Applying the NanoFilters as analytical tools for reading blood LDL levels

The NanoFilter could also be applied into external devices such as dialysis machines to introduce a large surface area where filtration could occur. With this device, it could be possible to miniaturise and eventually personalise dialysis machines to improve the well-being of patients outside of a hospital environment.

Figure 2: NanoFilters used externally from the body for dialysis of specific molecules

With the efficient and convenient capturing ability of the NanoFilter, it may also prove resourceful for research purposes. This device could be used to tag, mark or gather molecules within the body for researchers to observe their movement. It may also find use as an assisting tool for researchers to manufacture any required molecules form their project.

Since the molecular binding sites on the NanoFilter is modular, with the appropriate sensory molecules it is possible for these molecules to be applied to a much wider array of applications.